From 1990...

A young up to theminute organization, recently established in the stone working sector. Formed in 1990, with all the advantages of the most up-to-date industrial criteria, it covers over 30.000 square metres, of which 3.000 are devoted to high technology industrial plant and 1.000 to offices and services.

The quintessential elements of our business creed are dynamism, professionalism, efficiency and experience. As to the workforce, the carvers, the sculptors, the engineers and the architects: there is perfect professional understanding and interaction between the
skilled craftsmen and the qualified professionals of the Arreditalia organisation that guarantee enviable results every single time.

For the cutting and working of the stone – some of which is quarried in rough blocks – Arreditalia has the advantage of sophisticated computerised high technology equipment.

This, in harness with its solid organisational structure, make it much easier for modern designers to find avant-garde solutions while being absolutely sure of flexibility and precision in their realisation.

The splendid baroque architecture of entire Sicilian cities rebuilt after the catastrophic 1693 earthquake was achieved thanks to the extraordinary characteristics of the materials that Arreditalia has the privilege of working with today.

An ancient resource of that region of Sicily, Noto Stone is also famed for the warmth that its golden-yellow colouring transmits.

    Arreditalia S.r.l. / Uffici amministrativi
Via dell'Arco di San Calisto n° 24/b -
00153 Roma 
tel. 06/58335535 - fax 06/58335495
Arreditalia S.r.l. / Stabilimento in Sicilia
c/da Villa Vela - S.S. 287 km 15
96017 Noto (SR) 
tel. 0931/813200 - 813082
fax 0931/813277
Ufficio permanente di rappresentanza
presso lo Shanghai Mart

Yanan Road (West)
Shanghai - Cina
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