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The dedication and investiment which Arreditalia has put into its plants is quite remarkable. From its own quarriers in Noto, it cuts and works the famous tufo stone, which is then sculpted with machinary of the highest computerised technology.

L’Arreditalia is proud to be skilled in its machinery, meeting any need in architecture, engineering, urban decor, restoration, interior design, etc… Ranging from the most complex to the most traditional sculture.


All this thanks not only to modern equipment but especially to experience gained over time.

Those who would like to create new shapes or unsual designs can count on us for an accurate trasformation.

    Arreditalia S.r.l. / Uffici amministrativi
Via dell'Arco di San Calisto n° 24/b -
00153 Roma 
tel. 06/58335535 - fax 06/58335495
Arreditalia S.r.l. / Stabilimento in Sicilia
c/da Villa Vela - S.S. 287 km 15
96017 Noto (SR) 
tel. 0931/813200 - 813082
fax 0931/813277
Ufficio permanente di rappresentanza
presso lo Shanghai Mart

Yanan Road (West)
Shanghai - Cina
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